Monday, November 27, 2006

Global Marine Biological Diversity: A Strategy For Building Conservation Into Decision Making

"Finally! A superb state-of-the-art treatment of the science of marine conservation, complete with the major changes under way, their drivers, consequences, and key solutions. This tour de force will be an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the future of our planet. Rachel Carson would be proud. Seas the Day!" --Jane Lubchenco
"In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Brutus said to Cassius: 'There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at its flood leads on to fortune.' Humanity today needs a flood of awareness of the importance of the world's oceans to life on earth. This book is at the forefront of written work that contributes to our taking the urgent actions needed to protect our seas and, consequently, our selves. The book is comprehensive, factual, and fascinating. We must take this tide in its flood to protect not just humanity, but the entire biosphere." --Graeme Kelleher
"For those concerned about the human-caused threats to the ocean's bounty-and that should be all of us-this book provides essential information and perspective. It will help greatly in the needed advance of the science of marine conservation biology" --William D. Ruckelshaus

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